Flutter Navigation: A Complete Tutorial

Are you looking to build a mobile application with Flutter? If so, you'll need to know how to navigate between screens. Flutter Navigation is a powerful tool that allows you to move between different screens and create a seamless user experience. In this tutorial, we'll cover everything you need to know about Flutter Navigation, from basic navigation to advanced techniques.

Basic Navigation

The most basic form of navigation in Flutter is the Navigator widget. This widget manages a stack of Route objects, which represent the screens in your application. To navigate to a new screen, you simply push a new Route onto the stack.

  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => MyScreen()),

In this example, we're using the MaterialPageRoute class to create a new Route that displays the MyScreen widget. The context parameter is required and provides access to the current BuildContext.

To go back to the previous screen, you can use the Navigator.pop method.


This will remove the current Route from the stack and return to the previous screen.

Named Routes

While the Navigator widget is great for simple navigation, it can become unwieldy as your application grows. To make navigation more manageable, you can use named routes.

Named routes allow you to define a unique name for each screen in your application. You can then use this name to navigate to the screen from anywhere in your application.

To define a named route, you need to add it to the routes parameter of your MaterialApp widget.

  routes: {
    '/': (context) => HomeScreen(),
    '/details': (context) => DetailsScreen(),

In this example, we've defined two named routes: '/' for the HomeScreen and '/details' for the DetailsScreen.

To navigate to a named route, you can use the Navigator.pushNamed method.

Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/details');

This will navigate to the DetailsScreen using the '/' named route.

To pass arguments to a named route, you can use the arguments parameter.

  arguments: {'id': 123},

In this example, we're passing a Map of arguments to the DetailsScreen. You can access these arguments in the DetailsScreen using the ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments property.

class DetailsScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final args = ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>;
    final id = args['id'];

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Details Screen'),
      body: Center(
        child: Text('ID: $id'),

Advanced Navigation

While named routes are great for most applications, there are times when you need more control over the navigation process. For these situations, Flutter provides a number of advanced navigation techniques.

Hero Animations

Hero animations are a great way to create a seamless transition between screens. They allow you to animate a widget from one screen to another, creating a visually appealing effect.

To use a hero animation, you need to wrap the widget in a Hero widget and give it a unique tag.

  tag: 'avatar',
  child: CircleAvatar(
    backgroundImage: NetworkImage('https://i.pravatar.cc/300'),

In this example, we're using a CircleAvatar widget with a NetworkImage as the child of the Hero widget. We've also given it a unique tag of 'avatar'.

To use the hero animation, you need to add a Hero widget with the same tag to the destination screen.

  tag: 'avatar',
  child: CircleAvatar(
    backgroundImage: NetworkImage('https://i.pravatar.cc/300'),

In this example, we're using the same CircleAvatar widget with the same NetworkImage as the child of the Hero widget. We've also given it the same tag of 'avatar'.

When you navigate to the destination screen, Flutter will automatically animate the widget from the source screen to the destination screen.

Custom Transitions

While Flutter provides a number of built-in transitions, there are times when you need to create a custom transition. For these situations, you can use the PageRouteBuilder class.

    pageBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation) => MyScreen(),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
      return FadeTransition(
        opacity: animation,
        child: child,

In this example, we're using the PageRouteBuilder class to create a custom transition. We've defined a pageBuilder function that returns the MyScreen widget and a transitionsBuilder function that returns a FadeTransition widget.

The transitionsBuilder function takes four parameters:

In this example, we're using the FadeTransition widget to create a fade-in effect as the screen is transitioned.

Nested Navigation

There are times when you need to navigate between screens within a screen. For these situations, you can use nested navigation.

Nested navigation allows you to create a separate Navigator widget within a screen. This Navigator widget manages its own stack of Route objects, allowing you to navigate between screens within the screen.

To create a nested Navigator widget, you need to use the Navigator widget with a unique key.

class MyScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('My Screen'),
      body: Navigator(
        key: _navigatorKey,
        initialRoute: '/',
        onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
          switch (settings.name) {
            case '/':
              return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => HomeScreen());
            case '/details':
              return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => DetailsScreen());
              return null;

In this example, we're using the Navigator widget with a unique key of _navigatorKey. We've also defined an initialRoute of '/' and an onGenerateRoute function that returns the appropriate Route based on the route name.

To navigate within the nested Navigator widget, you can use the Navigator.push and Navigator.pop methods as usual.

  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => DetailsScreen()),

In this example, we're using the push method of the nested Navigator widget to navigate to the DetailsScreen.


Flutter Navigation is a powerful tool that allows you to create a seamless user experience in your mobile application. In this tutorial, we've covered everything you need to know about Flutter Navigation, from basic navigation to advanced techniques.

Whether you're building a simple application or a complex one, Flutter Navigation has the tools you need to create a great user experience. So what are you waiting for? Start building your next mobile application with Flutter Navigation today!

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